Correctly submitting your samples to our laboratories is an important first step in the analytical chain.
Errors at this stage can delay results or even compromise the integrity of the analysis.
You can facilitate a smooth analytical experience by closely following the guidance below.
- Ensure your samples are clearly and accurately labelled with appropriate sample identifiers and with the date and time of sampling.
- Ensure your samples are accompanied by a legible and accurate sample submission form. To assist you, we will have already pre-populated much of this form for you. A pdf guide is available at the right hand side of this page and this illustrates how to complete the remainder of your submission form.
- Ensure that the information on the bottle labels matches the information on the sample submission form.
- Make appropriate courier arrangements to transport your samples to the labs. Ensure ice packs are included where necessary and ensure good quality packing materials are used to safeguard the samples in transit.
After we have received and registered your samples we will email a Sample Receipt. This shows basic samples details such as lab number and date and time of sampling. It also shows all determinands that have been assigned to each sample and the relevant accreditation status. We strongly recommend that you check this Sample Receipt to ensure all details are correct and that the scheduled determinands meet your requirements. An example of the receipt can be found in our Downloadable content.
Following this guidance should ensure that your samples progress smoothly through our laboratories. It minimises the risk of your samples being classed as ′deviating′. Further information on deviating samples is available in the downloadable pdf below.
Completing the Sample Submission Sheet
Each row of the sample submission sheet should detail one sample (if required use more than one row per sample but be sure that instructions are clear and unambiguous).
We have made some improvements to our sample submission sheet, as we now need customers to supply us with sample matrix information for every sample. To allow for this we have added an extra box to the submission sheet to allow our clients to tell us the sample matrix of every sample. This will allow us to give you a better service as our results will be
Download our handy guide to completing a sample submission sheet below.